
Monday, January 24, 2011

Again with the Nicey Jane

It feels a bit odd to be back in my studio after a month of no quilting.  I had a couple of things left that needed finished off but while those are coming together I'm starting to imagine my next project(s).  Like a lot of you, this year I want to focus on thinning my stash or at least using some of the fabric collections I absolutely had to have.  I'm itching to cut into a Sunkissed layer cake but I've also got some lovely piles of Verna, Neptune, Aviary, Mendocino, Martinique... lying around my studio.  What I'm lacking at the moment are ideas and for me the best way to generate ideas is to just start sew something.  Back to the Nicey Jane stash box I went and came up with this.  It was mostly designed to fit a batting remnant I had that was the perfect size for a baby quilt.  I've got it basted and will just add some straight line quilting to finish it up. 

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