
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Finish of 2011

This was going to be my entry in the New England Modern Quilt Guild's holiday mini challenge. I spent a lot of time on the design and figuring out the best way to transfer the design. Then I spent a lot of time practicing the quilting. My machine quilting has come a long way this year but it's still not in my comfort zone. Once I got to the quilting it went really quickly and I had everything done except the small tree and the hills which were just straight line quilting with my walking foot. Of course life happened and everything else I had to get done for the holidays and before I left on vacation took over. I knew even making it to the meeting was a pipe dream, the next day was our annual holiday cookie decorating party and I had to make cookies for 40-some families... and make teacher gifts, and pack for Florida... Surprise, surprise, it didn't happen!

So a month later I was back and this was my top priority. I was sure I could have it completely finished within 2 hours and I really liked what I had so far, it seemed like an easy finish. Except, I was worried about my shakey machine quilting skills after a month of no sewing and my faintly marked quilting design had all but disappeared. More practice but finally I decided I just had to go for it and now I can call it done.

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