
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Belated photo shoot

Remember this?  I actually finished it a while ago but hadn't taken any pictures.  This quilt just says spring to me so I couldn't bring myself to take pictures of it out in the snow.  Now that the snow here is finally melting and it's beginning to look a bit like spring I got out to shoot these. 

Here's the pieced back.  It's the thing to do these days plus it meant I didn't have to match the polka dots: )  I think I got the last piece of the Lindy Leaf print available but of course it wasn't quite big enough.  Luckily I had enough pink to make it up and it leaves a small section to really show off the quilting.  I quilted this using a pantograph on the longarm.  I deliberately made my borders extra wide so I had some wiggle room with getting the quilting to fit and then trimmed them down.  It worked out much better than my last fiasco!  I'm loving the way this came out and will probably use this pattern again... maybe with my Sunkissed layer cake.

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