
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sewing up a storm

Here in New England everyone has been gearing up for hurricane Irene.  Growing up in the Florida Keys it's hard for me to get too excited about a hurricane but I figured as long as the power stayed on this would be a perfect day for sewing.  We got lucky, a few flickers early in the day but for the most part everything was fine.  It might however look like a hurricane hit my quilt studio;-)  Remember those borders I'd pieced that wouldn't fit on my Sherbet Pips zig-zag?  Well I pulled them apart and added some sashing and came up with this baby quilt.

 I did get the offset zig-zag effect I was going for and I think some straight line quilting will enhance the effect.  I've got one more row of on-point squares that I'll use for the back.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish piecing that together tonight and I'll be ready to quilt Tuesday when the kids go back to school. 

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