
Monday, September 26, 2011

The last of the mini quilt mondays

I've had so much fun this month, it's been wonderful to push my creative boundaries.  That said, it's a bit of a relief to get back to the things I've put on hold...  it's a lot of work to make something every week!  This week I decided to go back to handwork and finish up this reverse applique mini from the BMQG workshop with the amazing Pippa Patchwork.  My circles aren't as perfectly round as hers but I love this technique.  I tried using big stitch quilting with pearl cotton to outline the circles.  It was odd making big stitches after I've spent so much time perfecting my 12 stitches to the inch but it sure does go fast!  I was able to quilt all of these circles while watching the premier of Pan Am: )  Thanks Faith for pushing me to learn some new things even if I didn't get to go back to school!

Fresh Lemons Quilts

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