
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dirty Little Secret...

I have a confession to make. Despite the fact that I've been quilting for a really long time, not all of my quilts (and sewing projects) turn out as planned.  Some end badly!  Generally I hide those ones away and certainly don't show them on my blog but after a conversation with a quilty friend I decided to come out.  "Hi, I'm Alice and sometimes I make ugly things!"  

Yes, this looks a lot the Ghastly Manor Wonky Log Cabin I'm always saying how much I love except this was my first attempt at making this quilt.  As I said in my other post, wonky isn't really my thing and this was the first time I'd ever tried this style of piecing.  Parts of it do work but it really didn't capture the quilt I had in my head.  I can look at it objectively and other than that point in the top right where I can't stop looking because the blacks don't line up it's OK... but I expect more than OK from my quilts.  I thought about pulling the top apart and trying to fix it but decided it would be easier to just start over.  I was seriously planning to toss the first one but a friend said she'd take it if I finished it.  Looking at them side by side I hope you'll agree that I "got it" on the second try.

So what I'm trying to share is this:  
  1. There's usually a learning curve to making a new technique work.  You'll get better at it if you keep trying.
  2. There really aren't any wrong choices, there are just better choices.  If I hadn't had a very clear vision in my head I might have been happy with my first attempt. 
  3. Quilting really does make the quilt.  There have been several quilts that went from so-so to stunning once quilted.
  4. There's a lot to be said for a strategically placed applique; )  They can hid a multitude of sins!

 Thanks Diana, I hope you enjoy it!


  1. I agree with your points. I love the appliqued spiderweb - not only may it hide something, but I think it enhances it too!

  2. WOW!!! You should have shown this for the blog hop as well. I'm glad I kept reading your blog! You are a very talented quilter. I'm becoming a new follower and hope you'll return the favor by visiting my blog at
    Mrs. Gmama Jane Ghastlie
    I'm hosting on Nov. 4th..come see what I've made.

  3. Your post made me smile - love the very strategic spider web :)

    And I love how you figured out what you didn't like about your first quilt and how to change it for the second. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. That panto is awesome! I love it.
