Monday, November 28, 2011
Sew Thankful
I got to spend some time sewing this weekend. I still didn't quilt that Rouenneries table runner but I did get this one finished up. I designed this top last week as a prototype but decided the design didn't work for what I had intended. Also, it was a lot harder to piece than I expected. If I make it again I think I'll add white around the two end squares to make it float more.
I really didn't want another table runner on my TBQ pile (there are at least 3 there already) so I forced myself to sit down and quilt this. After playing around a while I came up with this loopy meander.
I used a silver metallic thread which was a bit of a pain to work with. Even using a metallic needle it seemed to break fairly often. I really like the result, it gives it a little more shine!
I also made some progress on my BMQG Kitchen Swap project. Here are the fabrics I received from the fabulously funky Jen at A Quilting Jewel. I've got the top together and just have to get it basted and quilted. At least with this one I have a deadline so it can't linger in the TBQ pile: )
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Nick of time?
Maybe you remember last Thanksgiving when I made this incomplete set of Rouenneries napkins. Yesterday, when I started setting my holiday table, I realized I still hadn't made the final 4. I'd cut the linen squares and made the binding but never got around to sewing it on. Two episodes of Revenge later and I have a full set. They're still just as annoying to make but they do look pretty.
Unfortunately, quilting the matching table square is probably going to have to wait another year: )
Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Patchwork iPad Cover Tutorial
When you go around calling yourself a domestic artist, suddenly everyone expects handmade gifts: ) With the holidays coming I was trying to think of something I could make for everyone on my list. Hmmm, what does everyone I know have? An iPad! In my world every electronic device needs it's own cozy and it's good to share so here you go, my quilted iPad cover tutorial.
I know there are already a lot of tutorials out there on making these but I didn't spot many that were patchwork and I specifically made mine using one of those little 2 1/2" square mini charm packs. They were giving these away like candy at Quilt Market and I was so excited to snag one (OK, two) of Betz White's new fabric line, Stitch.
Begin by assembling your patchwork front. Layout your 2 1/2" squares in a pleasing arrangement of 6 rows with 5 squares per row.
I chain pieced the rows and then joined those rows in to pairs and finally assembled my 3 pairs into a finished front. Alternate the direction you press each row so they will nest together when you assemble the rows.
Layer your backing fabric with a piece of batting and quilt as desired. I quilted mine with a plaid pattern.
Apply fusible fleece to wrong side of inside lining pieces according to the manufacturer's directions. Place lining pieces right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving a short side open. Clip the corners but do not turn your lining pouch.
Make the flap with your 4"x6" pieces. I wanted mine to be arrow shaped to emphasize the zig-zag pattern. To make the point, fold the outside flap piece in half lengthwise. Layer it with the inside flap and fusible fleece then cut each side at a 45 angle from the center fold line.
Attach the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the inside flap piece. Stitch around one side of the velcro to secure it to inside flap.
Layer the outside and inside flap pieces right sides together and stitch around edges leaving the top open.
Clip the point of the triangle and turn. Topstitch 1/4" from edges.
Guesstimate where your velcro belongs on the front of your case and stitch down. Trim batting so piece measures 10 1/2" x 12 1/2".
Trim batting on back piece to 10 1/2" x 12 1/2". Baste flap to center of top side with outer side of flap towards backing fabric.
Place outside front and back right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving top open. Clip corners.
Match side seams and make sure flap is between outside and inside pouches. Sew around top leaving a 3" hole for turning. I left mine where the flap was.
Turn through hole and topstitch around top edge to close opening.
Stick your iPad inside and head to Starbucks to show off your latest creation; ) Happy quilting!
Cut the following:
(30) 2 1/2" squares or use a mini charm pack for the patchwork front
(1) 10 1/2" x 12 1/2" rectangle for back
(2) 12" x 14" batting scraps
(2) 10 1/2" x 12" inside lining pieces
(2) 10 1/2" x 12" fusible fleece
(2) 4" x 6" for flap
(1) 4" x 6" fusible fleece for flap
(1) 2 1/2" piece of velcro
Seam allowance 1/4"
Begin by assembling your patchwork front. Layout your 2 1/2" squares in a pleasing arrangement of 6 rows with 5 squares per row.
I chain pieced the rows and then joined those rows in to pairs and finally assembled my 3 pairs into a finished front. Alternate the direction you press each row so they will nest together when you assemble the rows.
Layer your front with a piece of batting and quilt as desired. For my front I used a zig-zag pattern. It's easier to see on the back but I just used masking tape to sew diagonally across each square. Remember to adjust for your seam allowance on the outside squares.
Apply fusible fleece to wrong side of inside lining pieces according to the manufacturer's directions. Place lining pieces right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving a short side open. Clip the corners but do not turn your lining pouch.
Make the flap with your 4"x6" pieces. I wanted mine to be arrow shaped to emphasize the zig-zag pattern. To make the point, fold the outside flap piece in half lengthwise. Layer it with the inside flap and fusible fleece then cut each side at a 45 angle from the center fold line.
Attach the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the inside flap piece. Stitch around one side of the velcro to secure it to inside flap.
Layer the outside and inside flap pieces right sides together and stitch around edges leaving the top open.
Clip the point of the triangle and turn. Topstitch 1/4" from edges.
Guesstimate where your velcro belongs on the front of your case and stitch down. Trim batting so piece measures 10 1/2" x 12 1/2".
Trim batting on back piece to 10 1/2" x 12 1/2". Baste flap to center of top side with outer side of flap towards backing fabric.
Place outside front and back right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving top open. Clip corners.
Turn outside pouch and stuff inside lining pouch so that right sides are together.
Match side seams and make sure flap is between outside and inside pouches. Sew around top leaving a 3" hole for turning. I left mine where the flap was.
Turn through hole and topstitch around top edge to close opening.
Stick your iPad inside and head to Starbucks to show off your latest creation; ) Happy quilting!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Quilt Market Recap - On the Floor
The Whole Gang: Rachel, Laurie, the adorable Kelle Boyd of Ann Kelle Designs, Rebecca, and Me |
I think I'm most excited to get my hands on fabric from dear Stella. I want it all!!! Maybe it was those zig-zag quilts or those pink pillows I just wanted to walk off with... they were also the well deserved winners of the "Best New Exhibitor" booth award. I expect we'll all be getting to know them well!
Does this booth by Riley Blake have my name written all over it? This is part of their new basics collection and I'm sure I'll buy a lot of it. I would love to have that dress (painted) on the mannequin and the (also painted) chevron wall hanging looks suspiciously like my business cards.
I'm also looking forward to this new organic collection, Stitch by super sweetie Betz White. I was lucky enough to get a mini pack of this which I've already broken in to to make a special gift.
I was thrilled to meet Weeks Ringle and not just because she makes me feel tall: ) I love her books (with husband Bill Kerr) The Modern Quilt Workshop and Quilts Made Modern. They are truly some of the founders of the modern quilting movement and I still dream of the day I'll get around to making my own version of their Book Club quilt. I got to sneak a peek at their latest offering, Transparency Quilts, coming out in January and it is every bit as inpirational. Definitely on my wish list!
Here I met Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic fame. I'm a long time fan of her decorating style so it was quite a treat to get a signed copy of her new book. I couldn't resist getting a fat quarter bundle of her new fabric collection to go with it. It's so silky and the colors are so soft. I can't wait to start cutting... definitely another beach house quilt for me: )
With the extremely fashionable Lizzy House and her Mom, Cherri House of City Quilts |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
My first guest post - Sew We Quilt Block Party
I am absolutely delighted to be teaming up once again with the marvelous Madame Samm, this time for her November Block Party. Grab a drink and boogie on over to see what I've whipped up and be sure to keep visiting for a full month of inspiration.
Also while you're there be sure to check out the banner... yes, that's my ruffle quilt on the right. I've been so busy with everything else I never got a chance to share. Stop by to read more about all the beautiful banner quilts featured this month.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Quilt Market Recap - Day 1
I always wondered why people didn't post more, reporter style, from market... Now I know, exhaustion! So much going on!!! I started this while I was there but never got finished but I'll just go with it. Better late than never, you guys aren't sick of hearing about market yet are you? Here's a brief glimpse of our first day...
I am in total quilting geek mode with all these quilt stars hanging around. I rode up to my room with the lovely Tula Pink and also spotted Aneela Hoey checking in at the Hilton. Tula Pink was actually in the room right across the hall from me and I sooo wanted to sneak in to fondle her quilts and get a glimpse of Nightshade. Right off we ran into V&Co. and Rachel of p.s. i quilt. I'm pretty sure they notified security of my presence: )
We started with some of the Schoolhouse series: Here's the amazing Anna Maria Horner with some quilts she did in voile. You just have to touch them! She's got so much going on with her new fabric line coming out in quilting cotton, flannel, velveteen, voile, cotton sateen, and laminated cotton. Plus there's her new patterns, stitchery and needlepoint patterns, and I'm really excited about her pre-made bias bindings. I'm pretty sure she doesn't sleep: )
Coming out of another session we were given some cute bags but then I saw that other people were getting Castle Peeps bags. I asked if I could trade and Quilt Dad, who really stands out in a crowd, offered to trade with me. Thanks Quilt Dad!
I then immediately ran in to the fabulous Lizzy House and gushed to her how I got "her" bag. I'm pretty sure she's got the papers ready for the restraining order. What I meant to say, "Your quilts are fabulous and I hope you continue designing such awesome fabric: )"
Following that, I almost tripped over the lovely Melody Miller. Once I realized who she was I totally embarrased my friend by asking her for a picture with Rebecca, her biggest fan, to which Melody graciously agreed. She even gave us each a fat quarter of her fabric though that may have just been to distract us while she made a run for it: )
I was totally impressed with Joanna Figueroa's schoolhouse presentation (assisted by Aneela Hoey). Her new collection is beautiful! I wish I could better remember what she said but the point she was making was that the quilting industry as a whole needs to be embracing the needs of younger/modern quilters. Amen!!!
Most of the schoolhouse sessions were geared towards shop owners and how to sell but it was fascinating to get insight in to what is going on behind the scenes.
Then of course there was the much heralded Sample Spree where I got to meet the adorable Thimbleanna and the fabulous Julie of Jaybird Quilts. Again I totally overshared about how her blog inpsired me to start blogging.
I tried to contain myself but who can resist first pick at fabric? I just wish I had my sewing machine so I could get to work! I can't wait to see who I can stalk tomorrow; )
Friday, November 4, 2011
I pulled this one out of the closet for the Blogger's Quilt Festival. It's based on the Garden Twist pattern with a few twists of my own thrown in. I love the interplay of the dark and light blues but I thought it needed some yellow to add more contrast.
Some fun facts about this quilt:
- This is one of the few quilts I've made that actually lives on a bed. Someday I'll get around to making matching pillowcases.
- This quilt is entirely hand pieced. Yes, all those flying geese, the borders, all of it.
- I pieced the entire center section in a week. We were on vacation in Maine and it rained the whole time. The flying geese took a lot longer!
- This is the quilt that convinced me it was time to make friends with my sewing machine.
- This is the first quilt I quilted on the longarm. I used a butterfly panto for the center and outer borders but did stitch in the ditch around all those geese. It took me two full days!
I'm not sure when I started this but according to the label I finished it June 2008. So good of me to label my quilt: ) Be sure to grab a cup of tea, kick back and enjoy all the other fabulous quilts and thanks to Amy for organizing!
Goodbye to the Ghastlies... for now!
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to our Ghastlies blog hop. I know we will treasure each and every moment we have shared together and carry the memories of these awesome projects with us. But we never really say goodbye because Alexander Henry is keeping the good times rolling with their latest addition to the Ghastly family: )

Happy days are here again! The pregnant Rosemary (my name for her) with her baby carriage, the gossiping Mabel & Mildred, the creepy wallpaper prints. But what is happening with that veiled witch and her pet? I shudder at the possibilities!

I have been blown away by the unbelievable creativity of all my Ghastlie Sistahs not to mention their amazing ability to produce. Truly sick; ) It is impossible to pay tribute to this hop without recognizing the important role that the marvelous Madame Samm played in organizing us so well. She has touched so many lives and left Quiltworld a better place. Today is her day so you definitely want to check her out.
Until we quilt again...
Monday, October 24th
Tuesday October 25th
Wednesday October 26th
Thursday October 27th
Friday October 28th
Monday October 31st
Tuesday November 1st
Wednesday November 2nd
Thursday November 3rd
Friday November 4th
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