
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Design Wall Wednesday

It's school vacation week so I haven't had a lot of time to sew but with 2 finishes this month I couldn't resist starting something new.  As soon as I saw this fabulous quilt by the adorable Vanessa at V and Co. I knew I had to make one.  Come on, argyle AND ruffles, it practically has my name written on it;-)  Like a lot of people I'm trying to pull from my stash this year and more specifically I want to stop hoarding my most favorite fabrics and actually use them.  I love those pink & green monkeys and they seemed perfect for this.  Fabrics are: Riley by Anna Griffin, Playing in Spotzville by Jan Mullen, Wee WoodLand by Keiki and Bella Solids Bleached White.  All from stash!

So far I've got all my fabrics cut out and the top assembled but now I'm practicing making ruffles with my ruffler foot.  It's amazing how many youTube videos there are out there on how to use this foot but I'm still struggling to get the effect I want.  Lots of tension issues, stitch and otherwise! 

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