
Friday, March 2, 2012

Pips, Pips, Hooray!

I finally got some finished shots of my Sherbet Pips ZigZag quilt.  February in New England is a tough time to get a decent photograph.  Even without snow on the ground it's been cold enough that my usually less than willing assistants refuse to stand outside holding up a quilt while I take pictures.  Luckily we had a nice day and I thought a trip to the playground would be the perfect spot to shoot this quilt. 

I love this kid in the background.  He thought we were hysterical, everyone else just thought we were crazy;- )

This quilt had a lot of "joy of quilting" moments...  my plan for adding a border didn't work out, the quilting was beyond mind-numbingly tedious, and then I had that little issue with the binding: (  I don't think it will ever be one of my faves but it is growing on me.  It's a great size for snuggling on the couch and the red means it (almost) matches my living room.

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