Wednesday, May 9, 2012

W.i.P (Whine in Progress) Wednesday

I'm there... the point where straight line quilting is just not fun anymore. 

I LOVE how this is coming out but I'm so sick of it.  We've had a string of cold, rainy "quilting" days and I've put them to good use but I've run out of good TV shows, my neck and shoulders hurt, and I just want it to be done!!!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. The quilting is fabulous. All that work will pay off when it's done. After you complete the quilt you should tuck it away for a bit and then pull it out and you'll have forgotten that you were ever sick of it.

  2. ...I know what you mean. But I have to say that your quilting is so perfect for the quilt and looks absolutely great!

  3. It's totally worth it! Keep at it!

  4. Wow, I love this! The quilting is fabulous. I agree with Amy that it's going to be totally worth it. This could just be my favorite quilt that you've made, all because of the awesome quilting (but don't hold me to that - I love so many of them).

  5. It looks fantastic , but I guess you have thousands of ends to sew in?

  6. Been's not a fun place to be. But look what you're doing! It's gorgeous!!

  7. It really is no fun when it becomes a chore. It is stunning though and will soon be finished :)

  8. Looove it! The quilting is great, but I am totally with you, I need breaks from all that quilting too!

  9. Oh I know exactly what you mean, I did a baby quilt with straight line quilting and although I loved the outcome, it got boring pretty quick! Your quilt looks amazing!

  10. OH MY GOD! I LOVE it!! It looks amazing!! Keep at it - it's totally worth your pain! I want to feel the texture when you're done - it's going to be awesome!

  11. I'm not the one doing the quilting right now, but know that it is stunning and so worth it. This quilt pattern is on my list, and I think I know how I want to quilt it . . . you'll hear me whining later!

  12. It looks amazing! Take a break if you need it, but don't wait to long because it is a thing of beauty and it wants to be finished!

  13. I LOVE this!! It is beyond beautiful! You are doing an amazing job.

  14. Great job, it will be worth it.
    I can feel your pain, I say find some chocolate and take a small break.
    Thanks for sharing your quilt.

  15. oh but it is looking so great. keep on keepin' on! thanks for sharing

  16. Holy cow, so worth it! Take a chocolate break and then keep going! :-).

  17. Beautiful quilting! I must do this!

  18. Definitely worth it! (But I would be sick of it, too! :) )

  19. It may be a pain in your shoulders/neck, but it's very effective. Looks great!
    But that whole pain thing is why I prefer hand sewing. So much comfier sitting on the sofa than at a machine :)

  20. This is so cool and the quilting was a perfect choice!

  21. It looks gorgeous though. Like childbirth - all the pain will be worth it in the end.

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