
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

W.i.P Wednesday: Break's Over

It was nice to take a little time off from sewing and think about what I want to accomplish.  I also cleaned up my sewing studio... it turns out in addition to the 5 projects I'm currently working on I have 17 UFOs.  This one I pieced over a year ago.  It's just a simple baby quilt that got rid of some scraps, used up a leftover piece of batting, and was intended for practicing straight line quilting.  I started doing the straight lines but wasn't happy with how it was turning out so I ripped it out and tossed it back in the pile.  Since then I've gotten plenty of practice with straight line quilting and now I want to expand my FMQ repertoire, specifically with these loopy flowers by the fabulous Oh Fransson!.  After lots of practice I decided to go for it...

I'm loving how this is coming out.  I find the key is to remember to make my first petal wide at the base and the rest will fall in to line.  I also find it useful to lay out my quilt and put an office dot where I want to place the center of the next flower.   

Now I just have to decide the fate of the remaining 16;-).

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. lovely FMQ and you didn't even trail over to connect them? are you doing it on a domestic machine? I like your pile of UFOs. the one with the drinks looks interesting! and then I love the black and pink too, pick one of those next!!

  2. The flower quilting is gorgeous! I don't have the guts to try something so complex.

  3. Your FMQ is great! Those flowers are so pretty, that will be a terrific quilt when it is done! I have about 16 UFOs of my own... I am trying to get them done... slowly but surely! Good luck with yours... can't wait to see which one you tackle next!

  4. Love how this is coming out!

  5. Love those flowers. Great job! I'm glad I'm not the only one with an enormous list of UFOs. I wouldn't feel bad about 17 UFOs. I think mine might even be bigger than yours, even after completing 10 quilts this year.

  6. Love it! The flowers are perfect in the negative space. And thank you for posting your UFO pile; makes me feel better about mine. ;)

  7. I love, love, love those flowers! What a fantastic job you did! I also love your WIP pile. So many of us can relate!
