
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just Three: September Schedule

I need to start with a huge thank you to Tracey not only for keeping me on track all summer but also for sending me these fabulous fabrics!  I was so in need of another project;-)

So my goals for August were:
1.  Use my long hoarded Flower Sugar FQ pack to make Union Jack blocks for the Baby Brit QAL hosted by  Dream Quilt Create and the My Precious QAL.
I've made 6 blocks so far and used some of my favorite Flower Sugar, Nicey Jane, Tanya Whelan and Jennifer Paganelli fabrics.  I could call it done but I decided I wanted this to be bigger so I'm going to make 6 more.  I didn't actually link up for the My Precious QAL but I'm OK with that.
2.  Make a block for the QuiltCon Challenge.
Not one but three QuiltCon blocks!!!

3.  Quilt one of my UFOs.  
Yea, another check off my list!!!  I finally finished this Rouenneries Table Topper:-)
So for September I plan to...
1.  Finish up these Union Jack blocks.
2.  Halloween is coming so it's time to break out the new Ghastlies for another quilt.
3.  Make a cozy for my Kindle.

Hopefully I can keep my streak going:-)

traceyjay quilts


  1. I have been thinking about making a cozy for my kindle as well. I've been looking at a lot of different ones. Which pattern are you going to use?

  2. LOVE the UJ blocks! Especially the all-turquoise one! :) Also, your quiltcon blocks look amazing.

  3. What's the plan for the new Ghastlies quilt or is it top secret?

  4. Thanks so much for following my "Baby Brit" quilt along. Your blocks are so lovely. I think it is really cool that you are incorporating my quilt along with My Precious QAL. What a great idea to use fabric in your stash that you love so much that you can't use! I wish I had known about that, because I have a few piles that I feel that way about;)
