
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

W.i.P Wednesday: British Invasion

This week Union Jack blocks have taken over my life.  With the kids in school all day I sat down and planned out the remaining 6 blocks.  All the fabrics are cut and waiting so it's easy to just grab one and start piecing whenever I have some spare time.

Of course sometimes that approach backfires!  I thought I had just enough time to finish this one up before I had to be somewhere;-)

Only 2 blocks left to make and the Baby Brit QAL at dream quilt create is giving us an extra week before we start sashing so I have time to get caught up.  You should definitely check out all the blocks being made, it's amazing to see how different the same pattern can look!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love your Jacks! I'm participating in a similar QAL with Union Jacks. Even with your OOPS! (I hate those) it looks great!

  2. The block looks great in those fabrics.

  3. LOVE! These are so fun! I must add them to my list!

  4. those are great! I love seeing how different they all are, thanks for sharing the link! I am stopping by from the WIP blog hop. I have my WIPs up today if you want to stop by :)

  5. Those blocks are awesome!

    I know when I try to rush something, mishaps like that happen to me too.
    But this one seems like a love one though ;).

  6. Wow, your blocks are so beautiful! I saw this quilt hanging in a quilt shop this week and the sashing was done in dots, they were pretty bright colors like yours :)

  7. Love your Union Jacks! Those are great colors. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  8. Those blocks are terrific! Can't wait to see your finished project!

  9. Your blocks are lovely! Love the colour choices :)

  10. Those blocks are so fricking cute! I am a huge anglophile and I have had my on a British themed fabric set. I can't help but think that these are the perfect quilt blocks for it if I decide to pull the trigger and buy.
