
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

W.i.P Wednesday: Just Keep Sewing

This week wasn't nearly as productive as I'd hoped.  I was so inspired by my fabulous weekend with Angela I spent a lot of time staring at my UFOs and doodling design ideas.  Hopefully there are a few more finishes in my immediate future!  I did accomplish a few things...

Decisions, decisions...  these fabulous fabrics arrived from Sew Deerly Loved so I can make my last Union Jack block for the Baby Brit QAL at dream quilt createKerri's ascetic was exactly the look I was going for with this quilt so it made sense to get some fabrics from her.  It's almost like I got to raid her stash;-)

And I'm still sewing Ghastly things to share with all of you:-) I'm dying to announce the details of the Ghastly Gathering.  Stop by on Friday to get the dirt!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love the ruffle on that Ghastly print! What will it be when its done.

  2. Love those fabrics. My favorite colors!

    Are you going to be making another bag with Ghastly ? looks great!
