
Friday, October 5, 2012

Just Three: On Track for October

So the plan for September was to...

1.  Finish up my Union Jack blocks.
Yea!!!  All 12 ready to start sashing:-)
2.  Make another Ghastly quilt.
Still needs to be quilted but the top is pieced and I'm working on a tutorial to share next week.  Halloween is rapidly approaching so there's extra incentive to finish this up.
and 3.  Make a cozy for my Kindle... 
Still naked;-)  This just totally fell off my radar!
Not too bad and we're definitely headed in to the busy season so I can use all the help I can get to stay on track... so here it is, three for October:

1. Quilt and bind my Ghastly quilt so it can be gifted.
2. Make that Kindle Kozy.
3. Finish my top secret project that is due on the 20th;-)

I hope your plans for October include something for the Ghastly Gathering!

traceyjay quilts


  1. Oh, I can't wait to see how your Union Jack quilt comes together. Looks great so far.

  2. LOVE the Union Jack!! So pretty! Ghastlies is amazing, of course!

  3. The Union Jacks are so pretty! Love the Ghastlies quilt!

  4. You union jacks look great and so does you ghastlies. Good luck on this months goals.

  5. Your Ghastile and baby brit quilt both look awesome!
    Love your website's banner too..:-).
