
Thursday, October 25, 2012

W.i.P Thursday... 'cause sometimes that's when it happens

This has been a week where nothing goes as planned...

I did manage to finish those 3 top secret quilts.  Unfortunately I still can't reveal them but if I don't blog about it it's like it never happened.  I promise not to mention them again until I can show them off! 

I planned to baste my Cracking Up quilt at this month's BMQG meeting with bonus extended sewing time.  I was so careful packing up everything I would need...  batting, scissors, masking tape, safety pins, safety pin closer.  The lovely Lia even offered to help me, now that's a good friend!  Only problem, I forgot the quilt at home on my design wall where it wouldn't get wrinkled.  So I had to roll up the rug again and do it myself.  At least it's done now and I can get quilting!
Speaking of Ghastly things, be sure to stop by tomorrow for a surprise guest post and more chances to win. There's still time to link up your Ghastly creations at the Ghastly Gathering! I'm dying to see what you've made;-)

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