
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

21 Quilts

161 Books Read

108 Cups of Starbucks

28 spools of thread finished

4 Quilts on display at the BMQG exhibit at the  Lowell Quilt Festival (and the chance to meet Mary & Marianne Fons)

3 Fabulous days on retreat with the BMQG

1 Dream weekend with the incredibly talented Angela Walters.
Table Top Swap Napkins

 It's been a great year but I can't wait to see what 2013 brings!!!


  1. Oooh, I made it into your year in review with my swap :) You had a busy year!

  2. Wow! That's amazing and very impressive 21 quilts :-). Great job! Love your quilts. The baby argyle ruffle quilt is super cute!

  3. Yay to an awesome year of quilting. Here's to an amazing 2013!

  4. Looks like a very good 2012 to me.
    Slso looks like your reading taste is as eclectic as mine :)

  5. Wow! You accomplished a lot last year! Looking forward to seeing your projects this year. : )
