
Monday, December 3, 2012

Just Three for December

It's that time again...  It is so good for me to sit down at the beginning of the month and think about what I want to accomplish.  Just having this little list stuck on my bulletin board keeps me on track!

I do have to admit I was sandbagging a bit in November...

I committed to making a pincushion for the BMQG swap.  Let's face it, I'd pretty much lose all my quilt cred if I couldn't pull that one together;-)  As it was I made mine the night before it was due.  It was like college allover again!

I also wanted to get an entry in to the Tula Pink Sew Along at Sew Sweetness but going with a pillow cover made this considerably easier to accomplish.  I still LOVE it!!!

I also was hoping to quilt my Victory Garden quilt but I knew that was a stretch.  My only chance was if I got in lots of sewing time Thanksgiving weekend.  While I did get to do some sewing I never touched this and I'm sad to say it isn't going to get done before Christmas.  With the holidays rapidly approaching I've turned my focus to holiday sewing so here are my three for this month...

1. Finally finish this holiday table runner.  This Bento Box runner has been basted and ready to quilt since last Christmas.  It's time:-)

2. Someone special is getting a Kindle for Christmas so I want to make them a cozy like mine.  If all goes according to plan there will be a tutorial also:-)

3. Make holiday teachers gifts.  It's a tradition and I like the message it sends to my kids.  Audrey already has big plans for her teachers.

traceyjay quilts


  1. Looks like you are working on a lot of super-cute stuff!

  2. Looks like you have a busy month ahead! Can't wait to see it all come together.

  3. I absolutely love your table runner. Both the pattern and the fabric are awesome. Love the brown(I believe its brown) polka dot fabric.
    The cozy is so cute as well.

    What a great idea to make this list. I should start too :-). Thanks for the idea.

  4. Good luck on your goals this month. Love the LOVE quilt :)
