
Sunday, December 9, 2012

ZigZag Kindle Cozy Tutorial

I LOVE books and was pretty skeptical when the Kindle first came out.  Then a good friend of mine let me play with hers on vacation and I was instantly converted.  It's crystal clear even in bright sunlight, I can literally never run out of books to read, and it's always the same size & weight so it fits perfectly in my purse!  My only complaint was my pretty pink leather case was getting scratched up in my purse... obviously it needed a cozy!  Probably as a result of my rave reviews Kindles are the go to gift in my family this year and I had the perfect companion gift, cozies for everyone.  In the spirit of the holidays I'm sharing so you can make your own:-)

This measures 8 1/2" x 6" and was made to accommodate my Kindle with the cover on.  This also nicely fits Android tablets.  Measure your device and make any sizing adjustments before starting.

Cut the following:
(8) 2" squares print for zigzag
(8) 2" squares solid for zigzag
(1) 9" x 2 1/2" solid
(1) 9" x 7" solid
(1) 9" x 3 1/2" print for flap
(1) 9" x 14" print for inside lining
(1) 10" x 15" batting scrap
Stick-on Velcro Dots (if desired)

Seam allowance 1/4"

Make (16) 1 1/2" HSTs begin by drawing a line diagonally on the wrong side of each of the (8) solid 2" squares.

Layer each solid square with a printed square, right sides together.  Sew 1/4" from both sides of drawn line.  Cut on the drawn line and press towards the solid.  Trim HSTs to 1 1/2".

Sew the HSTs together in (2) rows of (8) to make a zigzag pattern.

Sew 2 1/2" solid strip to 1 side of zigzag band and 7" solid strip to other side of zigzag band.  Sew 3 1/2" flap to 7" solid strip as shown.

Layer outside of cozy with batting and quilt as desired.  I echoed the zigzag across the entire panel.

Trim batting to edges of panel.  Layer inside lining with quilted outside panel, right sides together.  Stitch around rectangle leaving a small hole for turning.  Clip corners and turn cozy right side out.

Fold bottom of cozy up to create pouch leaving 2 1/2" at the top.  Topstitch along sides and top being sure to close hole left for turning.  If desired add stick-on velcro dots to flap.  

Add your Kindle and you're ready to go!

For more fun holiday tutorials check out Pink Chalk fabrics!


  1. I felt the same way about Kindles/books until my husband got me one. It's perfect for traveling and we don't have to store all those books on shelves!


  2. This is great! Thanks for the tutorial. I'm new to Kindle and need a sweet cozy for it.

  3. Super cute! I love the echo quilting. What's the floral print you used on the flap? I love it!

  4. It's a really nice gift idea. The tutorial is great. I think my Nook will be getting a new cozy. I have some text fabric that will be perfect.
