
Friday, September 20, 2013

That's Nicey!

I have to say I blame Marden's!!!  It all started when I found this fabulous Nicey Jane laminate there and my husband mentioned that it would be really nice to have a new tablecloth.  

I've been meaning to replace the watermelon curtains in the kitchen since we bought our camp 14 years ago.  Suddenly inspiration struck, I needed a Nicey Jane kitchen!

I had perfect weather to set up shop on the porch and sew!

I started with the smaller curtains on the door window...

and then tackled the larger window.  These sew up really quickly!  The hardest part is just measuring the windows.  I decided to skip the ruffles off the bottoms but did make ruffled tie backs for these.

I love to mix of stripes and florals:-)

While I was in decorating mode I decided what my kitchen also needed was this owl I made back in the 70s.  Don't judge, Jonathan Adler and Houzz have both declared that macrame is back!  

Finished just in time for us to close up for the season.  And that tablecloth that started it all?  Still not done...  but it's going to be fabulous;-)

Linking up to the fabulous Finish it Up Friday by Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. This looks great! You know I love Heather Bailey!

  2. Wow! I love the curtains so much. The Nicey Jane print is just awesome. You have done such a wonderful job with the curtains and the ruffled tie backs.

  3. Nice job, your curtains look lovely., very fresh..

  4. Beautiful curtains and love your photos - especially the last one, very cute :)

  5. Cute! Mardens got me with the laminate too and I have 3 yards of two different laminates, wait, I might have 3, I can't even remember! I am not sure what to do with it all. How are you going to finish the edges of the table cloth? Do you have a serger? See you tues!

  6. Very nice. Your curtains are so lovely, & I like your owl

  7. The curtains look fresh and happy! Love the ruffles! And the picture of the sewing machine on the porch...what a perfect way to sew!

  8. New curtains sure can change a room - and if Houzz says it's true, it is! Love the colors.

  9. When in doubt, always blame the fabric stores. It's never our fault. Those curtains turned out great.

  10. That owl is fabulously appropriate. Marden's is SUCH a problem, isn't it?! :) Great job on the curtains, and the Nicey laminate is going to make a great tablecloth.

  11. Turned out great!!! Much better than the dreaded watermelon :D

  12. I love the stripe with the floral! Can't wait to see how your tablecloth comes out - I've been waiting to do one for otte house and would love to just follow suit with you :)

  13. Nice! I have not yet been to Marden's. Clearly I need to go!
