
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

W.i.P. Wednesday: Just in Case

This year the Boston MQG is donating ConKerr Cancer pillowcases.  I still had a bin of novelty fabrics that haven't made it on to my shelves so this seemed like a great chance to destash.  I pulled out all these juvenile prints that I bought when my kids were little, paired them up with contrasting fabrics, and started cutting.  By the end of Wolf of Wall Street I had 18 pillowcases cut and ready to be sewn AND an empty bin:-)

Once these are cut they are so quick to sew together.  I love the burrito technique, it's almost like magic!  There are literally 3 seams to sew and in the end no raw edges.

I've got the stack sitting beside my machine where I can slip a few in between projects.  Two done so far...  we'll see how many I can get done before Saturday's meeting.  This is an on-going charity project so join the fun and bring your pillowcases to any monthly meeting.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Sewing along with this week's W.i.P. Wednesday:-)


  1. What a great project to keep going on the side! I am sure they are greatly appreciated!

  2. Can you remind me where the burrito technique can be accessed? I'm sure you've told me this 12 other times, I apologize :0)
