
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

W.i.P. Wednesday: This, That, and the Other Thing

Lots of snow this week means lots of time holed up in my studio...

I finished quilting my Plus One quilt so this one's been keeping me warm while I hand tack the binding watching TV in the evenings.  Funny story:  I finished quilting and ran over to my LQS between snow storms to get more fabric for the binding.  Made the binding then found the identical binding I'd already made for it...  Big sigh!

I went back to FMQ with more of my favorite heart paisley quilting...  this pattern eats thread (3 more trips to my LQS) but it looks so pretty! 

And I've been making my Valentine's for a swap organized by the adorable Tulsa Tiff.  1 down, 23 more to go...

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Quilting along with this week's W.i.P. Wednesday:-)


  1. That's hilarious about the binding! But sometime in the future that pre-prepared binding is going to be in the exact right place at exactly the right time!

    I'm just learning to FMQ and I love your heart-paisley design, it's so pretty! Feathers and paisley definitely still scare me, but maybe in a month or two I'll be trying them out along with everything else :)

  2. If it's any consolation, I've done the same thing with fabrics - after searching hours for it, and then buying more, I find it.

  3. With all those trips, its a good thing the LQS is close! :D Love, love, love the paisley heart quilting.

  4. Great story about the binding! Very funny! A girl who knows what she wants! And the quilting is lovely. I must give this a try!
