
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wrapping Up

After all those snow days this winter we are still going to school here.  One of Audrey's final Social Studies projects was to create a visual representation of the influence of religion on art in Eastern cultures.  Much to my surprise she decided to make a quilt.  She had a clear idea of what she wanted to make so I was just there for technical support.  We started at Quilter's Way where Donna did a fabulous job helping us find fabrics that matched Audrey's vision.

I did the cutting but Audrey pieced together the top and quilted her background.

From there she used fusible to attach raw-edge applique motifs which she then quilted around.  I love the effect of the gold thread and this blue/gold cross weave we found in my stash was the perfect choice for the binding!

The finished piece is stunning!  I don't know the symbolism behind all her choices but I love her arrangement.  I'll turn her into a quilter yet:-)

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