
Friday, October 9, 2015

Fleet Week

The fleet has landed!  I had some very minor surgery this week and while the actual procedure was a total peel me off the ceiling horror show the recovery has actually been a breeze.  And so, my carefully blocked out convalescence turned into a sewing marathon.  For two blissful days (I did get some really awesome happy pills!) I had nothing to do but sew up sailboat blocks and binge watch Gilmore Girls.

Once I figured out the cutting plan putting these blocks together was a breeze...  And ripping out all that paper was very therapeutic:-)

The setting was what originally drew me to this design.  I love the way the boats nest together and create a wavy look.  Words can't describe how much I love this one, and that's not just the happy pills talking;-)

Now that I've added the borders it's huge but I wanted it to fit on Dex's bed.  That's what I get for giving my kids queen sized beds:-)  This one is definitely too big to quilt on my Bernina so I really need to get some longarm time scheduled.  My TBQ pile is running over!

Linking up to the fabulous Finish it Up Friday by Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. It looks great! Have a speedy recovery.

  2. What great therapy that quilt is. It's absolutely beautiful. The colours are just perfect and that border is inspired - so dramatic. Hope you're fully recovered very soon. I can't get over how close our names are!

  3. I really like this. Might be adding it to my to-do list. Husband is from a sailing family.

  4. Oh, oh -- I love your sweet boats and your choice in TV viewing while sewing. I watched all of Gilmore Girls over the summer. I'm on to rewatching all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer now. : )

  5. Very nice indeed - hope you are well recovered by now.

  6. Yes, love sail boats!!!!! Hope you are recovering quickly. You've inspired me to try this one! I also love sweet water fabrics. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I really love this and I'm glad the recovery went so smoothly. Enjoy those happy pills :)

  8. That quilt is too cute! Glad you are recovering well. Kat @

  9. That quilt is too cute! Glad you are recovering well. Kat @

  10. Hope you are recovering well! But what a fantastic way to convalesce! Beautiful!!
