
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

W.i.P. Wednesday: Time Keeps on Slippin', Slippin', Slippin'

Your earworm for the day:-)  I don't know why I always think I'm going to get things done during school vacation week.  Even though we didn't go away it was a busy week of camps, practices, and family outings so while my plans for a marathon long quilting day didn't materialize I did manage fit in a little bit of quilting each day...

And those bits do add up!  I finished all the spirals on my Spellbound quilt but then ran out of thread with 3 snowballs left to outline.  Here's the problem with using thread your LQS doesn't stock...  I was trying to use up some old King Tut variegated which none of my local shops carry so now this is back in the queue until I psych myself up for a trip to Portsmouth or I break down and order it online.

With that on hold I switched to this Heather Ross Mash Up.  Easy peasy straight line quilting along the grid lines and the binding was on ready for some family movie night time to get it tacked down.

And then I moved on to quilting Sunshine Roses.  I wanted to go with something curvy so I'm doing an orange peel design.  I decided to mark the arcs which probably takes just as long as quilting them but I love how it's coming out...  I still have my Briar Rose Stair Steps variation and Houndstooth quilts TBQ but after 3 in a row I think I'm going to give myself a break and switch gears.  I'm sure you've heard about the May is for Makers campaign.  I'm going to join the fun and support the community of independent designers by trying out a new indie pattern each week.  Following a pattern is not my strong suit so stay tuned and see how it goes.
May Is For Makers |

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