
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In a Pickle

This isn't a sewing post but hopefully I'll be back to the grind soon:-)  We've been having an amazing summer which hasn't allowed for much time in my studio.  My Mom has been visiting the last couple of weeks and I asked her if she'd teach me to make her bread and butter pickles.  She usually brings me a couple of jars since I've been ruined for life against store bought but I thought it would be nice to have my own source.  This post is mostly a reminder to my future self so I don't forget the process but if you want to give it a try you won't regret it!

Here's what you need:
  • 3 qts. medium Cucumbers
  • 3 medium Onions
  • 1/2 cup Pickling Salt
  • 2 cups Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 1/2 cups Sugar
  • 2 Tbs. Mustard Seeds
  • 1 tsp. Celery Seed
  • 1 tsp. Turmeric
Wash the pickles, remove the ends and slice them about 1/8" thick.  Peel the onions and slice those also.  It's so fast to use a mandolin slice the cucumbers and onions and it keeps them consistently sized.  Just do your self a favor and invest in a safety glove...  I had to learn the hard way:-(

Put the cucumbers and onions in a large kettle with the pickling salt and cover with water and ice.  Let stand for 3 hours then drain.  Rinse to remove the salt and drain again.

Combine the remaining ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil.  Add the veggies and heat to simmering.  Don't boil!

Pack the pickles in to sterilized jars (I ran mine thru the dishwasher on the Sanitize cycle).  Fill the jars with liquid to the inside ring.  Run a butter knife around the inside edge of each jar to remove any air bubbles and wipe the outside of the jar with a paper towel to remove any liquids that have spilled.  Top each jar with a lid and loosely tightened ring.  You should always use new lids but you can reuse the rings.

Within a couple of hours you should hear the lids pop.  Any jars that don't seal after 24 hours should be refrigerated and eaten first.  For best flavor wait 2-3 weeks before serving.  Sealed jars of pickles should keep for up to 1 year.

Do you have a treasured family recipe you'd be lost without?


  1. Awesome - thanks for sharing! I did not know you weren't supposed to reuse the lids!

  2. Ohhh boy, those look delicious!! I love bread & butter pickles, especially home canned!
