
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

W.i.P. Wednesday: Back in the Saddle Again

Writing things down must really help...  after months of not sewing I'm back with a vengeance.  First I got my obligation sewing out of the way...  a week's worth of City Sampler blocks for #100Days100Blocks.

I thought I was going to miss the triangle blocks but after sewing the final one together incorrectly not once but twice, maybe not.  Third time's a charm!

With that done I finally sat down and finished quilting my Ghastlies.  I'm slightly annoyed by how little time it actually took and by the fact that I didn't actually need the extra spool of thread I bought to finish this up...  this should have been done in May!  I wasted no more time getting the binding on so it'd be ready to go for our last trip to Maine on Columbus Day.

There is nothing better than a road trip for hand tacking a binding;-)

And as a reward for finishing I busted out my purple stash and started cutting wedges for my Snake Trail quilt...  all 540 of them.  I can't wait to get sewing!!!

Did the long weekend land you in front of your sewing machine?

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