
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

W.i.P. Wednesday: Y Not?

I got a bit of a break this week and decided it was the perfect opportunity to finally make some July 4th decorations.  I scored this collection of Anna Griffin Madison prints last summer at Marden's and inspired by From Bolt to Beauty's assertion that Y-seams are no big deal I decided it was time to tackle them myself.

I used this awesome Lone Star Block tutorial by Hopeful Homemaker.

As promised with careful marking the Y-seams went together painlessly and in no time I had a finished block.  Feeling a bit cocky after my success I decided to use the leftover strips sets to make a border.  Rather than doing quilt math I took a short cut and just sewed together my pieces into rows that seemed long enough, added an inner and outer border and then trimmed them to size.  Rookie mistake!!!  With the bias all my borders were not the same size and now I had to do some easing to make things fit.

The end result is a bit wonky.  My original plan was to make a wall hanging but I think a pillow will do a better job hiding the uneveness...  it'll quilt out, right;-)  Undeterred I'm hoping to get this quilted and put together before we leave for Maine.  Do you feel compelled to decorate for every holiday?

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